Wednesday, October 8, 2008

FX- Being the Church

Tonight I took $40.00 to The Dollar Tree to purchase things for the Widow Goodie Bag. I choose to do two ladies. I felt pretty good because I was able to separate my stuff from my moms stuff and pretend I was a grown up. I got to pay for my own stuff with my change money. I ended up paying $35.00. We were taking it all to our church becuase my church was making widow goodie bags. When we got to church, my bags were so heavy. I could barely even pick them up! On the way there I dropped a bag of spray good stuff on my toe. It hurt really bad!

Once we got into the room, we unloaded everything. I had to separate mine because I bought two of everything. Then I went to the table and picked up two bags thinking it would hold everything. But it turned out that it did not hold everything. So I went to get two more bags, but my mom said, Oh they fit! So I was kind of frustrated. Then we wrapped them and put stickers on them.. leaves and acorns.. meaning it was Fall. And there was an orange I put You Are Loved By God on it.

After we left church, we looked at our addresses and went to deliver Michael's bag first. Her name was Mrs. Kyle and she was the sweetest widow I have ever met. So I decided on Thursday, we would bake cookies and deliver them to her. Then we delivered to my widow, Mrs. McGee. She didn't answer the door. So we set it down on the ground right where she could see it. We then drove to Mrs. Hubbard's house. She was sweet too. She offered for us to come into her house, but we said no thank you. So we got back into the car and looked at my next bag. She lives in Princeton so we decided to go another day. We had to get home because Mason, my little brother was acting up really bad.

ps.. I decided it felt really good to collect all that change and buy it for someone else and give them a goodie bag. It felt good because giving to others and not to yourself is a really suggestion you should take too. Because after you experience it, you feel really good inside and you know it was the right thing to do.

pps... Update on how much I have left:
$90.71 - $35.00 = $55.71

I am going to work on making goodie bags for the homeless next. If you want to help me make a goodie bag, which I know most of you will, here are the things I would consider: bath towels, socks, blankets, gloves, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other stuff you would think is appropriate.

Thanks for coming along and looking at my blog. I think it is a great experience to have one. If I didn't have one I couldn't tell the world that homeless people need our help and God would really appreciate that.
Your friend,


Anonymous said...

You are so right !! When we do things for other people , it makes you feel so good inside. And God is so pleased when we put others before ourselves ! Remember the word JOY -- J is for Jesus first, O is for Others next, and Y is for you last. If that is how we keep our priorities, we will be pleasing God and we will have JOY !! You are a blessing to your MiMi !!
Love ya'

Anonymous said...

As you know Pap Pap is traveling this week and I am reading your latest blogs in the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida airport. I am so proud of you and as I read your blogs, it brought tears of joy to my eyes. God has given you a tender heart to touch others that cannot help themselves. If you ever have a problem distributing your goodie-bags to your friends, please call me. I would love to go with you sometime. Mimi and I will start fixing some goodie-bags because you are teaching us a valuable lesson. I love you!
Pap Pap

Anonymous said...

Hi Addie -
I was so excited to see that you were blogging again! I love your ideas for giving to the widows and homeless. Imagine how excited your new widow friend will be to open her door and find some cookies! Next time you go to make deliveries, bring Mason to my house to play! Thanks for letting Christ use you -

Mrs. Kristen

Melissa Mainiero said...

Hey Addie, this is Jacob Mainiero. After we left the picture session that we just saw you at we were driving home and saw a homeless man on the side of the road. He had a sign that said homeless and hungry on it. It made me sad. I told my mom it made me said because we live in such a nice big house. After that I told my mom we should have given him something. The next time we see someone like that, I will tell my mom to give him some food. Thank you Addie. I will see what we can find to give you. Maybe I could go with you when you deliver.

Jacob Mainiero

Anonymous said...

Addie, I think you are a wonderful little girl. You keep doing your thing and helping others. God is very happy you do.

I'm sure those women loved what you purchased for them very much. I bet they loved your gift. You made me smile today...

Moriah, NC
Friends with your awesome mom.
Please give her a hug for me, can you?

Anonymous said...

Dear Addie,

What a joy you brought to everyone at the Rescue Mission today when you handed out God's love in the form of your very own care packages! God has used you in such a mighty way to touch the lives of those who need His love in the greatest way! I am so blessed to have you in my life to remind me of how to daily be Jesus with skin on and be the church! Love you! Miss Sammi